A downloadable GreenTales


A 2D survival-sandbox where you can... fight enemies, build your home, craft new objects,explore the world, fish all kind of fish, build your own life,  but most importantly ,HAVE FUN.

 - How do you play ?

In GreenTales there's only ONE rule, dont go to far away from your campfire, at the start of every game you'll spawn at a random point of the map next to your campfire, if you go to far you wont be protected by your campfire and slowly get damaged from the cold, all over the game you'll have to upgrade your campfire to unclock more safe places, there are objects that will protect you from the cold for a limited time, like torches or coats, but you can also move your campfire to look for new places, but be carefull ,during the time you take your campfire you will start to get damage by the cold, so dont stay too long ;D, appart from the campfire , your completely free to do whatever you want, explore, craft ,build a small tow with your friends , or try to tame some animals!!

 - When will I be able to play ?

Greentales doesn't has a launch date, but we hope you'll be able to play the alpha in a few months or less, but you can always come back to see the progress we've done on the game, also you can tell us on the comments what you think or what would you like we add to the game

 - Images

The first preview of the whole inventory with a total of 32 slots.

a concept art of the campfire.

the character you are when you first enter your first world, it's called Lars and its in pants, but dont worry you'll be able to customize :D

Don't be afraid to ask anything in the comments!! You can also contribute by telling us you ideas or what would you like to see in the game!!